“The strip is really a sewing club that has grown”

“The strip is really a sewing club that has grown”

Mr. Eydís is a newly formed group made up of four veterans of the Icelandic music scene. To Örlygi Smára, Páli Sveinsson, Jón Örvar Bjarnarson and Ríkhard Arnari.

The band’s theme, as the name suggests, is 80s songs. Every Friday at 12 appears on the band’s YouTube channel, a new 80s song that the members play live and “with their noses” .

“The band is really a ‘sewing club’ that got into trouble,” Örlygur laughs and adds, “All of a sudden about five thousand people have been streaming the recordings on YouTube and there’s no ‘other way than to make it more serious’ .

In the future, together with the group, a solo team of guest singers will record their “eydís song”, which will be published on the YouTube channel every Friday at 12.

Friday’s song this time is “Mistify” by Australian band INXS. The song is taken from the album Kick, released in 1987. An interesting fact, however, is that Mistify became popular almost two years (1989) after the release of the album, becoming the fifth “single” of the album. ‘album.

Örlygur Smári: guitar and vocals (songwriter and recording director: Páll Óskar/Eurovision… etc.)

Páll Sveinsson: drums (In Black Clothes, The Emperor’s New Clothes, Karma, Spur, etc.)

Jón Örvar Bjarnason: Bass and backing vocals (Spur, Land og synir, Karma etc.)

Ríkhardúr Arnar: keyboards and backing vocals (Spur, Karma etc.)

Instagram: zero obligations

Facebook: Mr. Eydis

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