IoT Sensors, The Key To Automating Processes In Agriculture

IoT Sensors, The Key To Automating Processes In Agriculture

With 42% of Indian people active in agriculture, it’s safe to assume that the country depends on this industry from an economic perspective. Globally, India occupies the 2nd place in farm production, however, outdated methods need to be upgraded for the country to keep growing. Advanced technologies are the solutions and sensor systems are the key to making traditional agriculture smarter.

An overview of smart agriculture

Numerous case studies have been conducted over the years on the potential of advanced technologies in the agriculture sector. Now, with the IoT getting adopted by businesses and governments at large, smart agriculture gets one step closer to actually being implemented.

The role of sensors is to gather machine and environmental data. In this way, farmers will be more capable of making practical decisions to increase productivity in terms of crop farming and stocks. The aim is to improve crop quantity and quality, at the same time optimizing resources.

The role of sensors in agriculture

The ability to collect data is one of the greatest advantages of sensors in agriculture. For farmers, it’s an opportunity to know more about weather and soil conditions, crop health, and growth potential, as well as what measures can be implemented to make improvements.

Even though farmers know everything there is to know about their lands and crops, certain elements can’t be controlled. Sensors can help track crops 24/7, saving human labor and delivering data faster. The information collected helps farmers make better decisions in terms of waste reduction, cost management, and water conversations.

IoT for climate control in agriculture

Controlling weather conditions is one of the biggest challenges farmers have. It’s a critical parameter, and while weather stations provide some insight, they’re not enough to make accurate predictions. When powered by IoT, weather stations integrate smart sensors to provide improved monitoring in terms of humidity and temperature.

Smart sensors can also be used to make more sensible decisions when selecting which crops need special attention, and which don’t. Furthermore, weather conditions can also be predicted when APIs are combined with sensor systems to prevent unfortunate events from destroying the crops, such as too much rain.

Smart sensors for determining soil quality

The quality of crops can also be affected by soil. Farmers don’t always know what properties a certain type of soil has. Various soil characteristics can be determined by using sensors, such as optical sensors that use light to quantify soil properties such as moisture, clay, and organic matter.

Electrochemical sensors provide accurate information on COs and O2 levels, as well as additional essential gases, nutrient levels, and pH. In this way, farmers have accurate data to help them grow crops with real profitability potential. Soil moisture content can be measured with dielectric sensors to inform farmers on which crops need irrigation, at the same time saving water resources.

IoT for improved cattle traceability and tracking

Cattle farming is yet another fundamental sector of agriculture. By integrating IoT-based smart collar solutions, farmers can produce better yields, as well as monitor the health conditions of their cattle. In addition, such solutions can also be used to improve the tracking of cattle locations.

Apart from location tracking, the IoT plays a vital role in preventing diseases and monitoring overall behavioral changes. Smart collar solutions can eliminate various risks associated with losing cattle and take preventive measures to improve overall health.

Now more than ever, advanced technologies can improve legacy systems in agriculture. By controlling environmental parameters, farmers will reduce labor costs and make better predictions to increase productivity. The IoT powered by smart sensors and predictive analytics ensures accurate data extraction, enabling farmers to handle crops with improved accuracy, which in the long term will have a noticeable effect on profitability.


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