How to Build an AI Model Using Python Programming Language?

How to Build an AI Model Using Python Programming Language?

Build an AI Model

How To Build an Advanced Artificial Intelligence Model Using Python Programming Language?

Artificial intelligence has been around us for over half a century and its advancements are growing rapidly. The demand for AI is at its peak and if you wish to learn to build an AI model using python programming language this article will educate you on how to build an AI model using Python. Before that let us know why python is best for AI.

Why Python Is Best For AI

We have seen a lot of people asking which programming language is best for building AI. Python being a general-purpose language made its way to the most complex technologies such as machine learning, deep learning, artificial intelligence and so on. Due to its easy learning, Prebuilt Libraries, less code, platform independence and massive community support it has gained popularity.

Here Is How You Can Build Your First AI Using Python

Step 1: Create A Python Program

To begin, open Replit and create a new Python programme. Sign in or create an account by clicking the Start Coding button on the page. You can also log in or sign up using the buttons in the top right corner of the website.

You can create a new Python program after you’ve created an account or logged in by clicking the Create button in the upper left corner of the page. Select Python from the Template dropdown and name your program, for example, Python AI Chatbot.

To make a chatbot follow these steps.

Step 2:

Now Create a greeting and goodbye to your AI chatbot for use

In Python, we can make a list with multiple items. Make two lists: one for greetings and one for goodbyes. Give your AI chatbot some greetings and goodbyes inside square brackets ([]).

Step 3:

Create keywords and responses for your AI chatbot.

Let’s make a few more lists of keywords and responses for your AI chatbot. Identify the keywords and responses in these lists. Check that the keywords and responses are in the correct order. For example, if the user types in “book,” the AI ​​chatbot will respond, “I know about a lot of books.” Both lists have the keyword “book” and the response “I know about a lot of books” in the third position.

Step 4:

Bring in the random module.

Each time a user interacts with the AI ​​chatbot, we can select a random greeting and goodbye. To include this capability in our program, we must first import the random module. Add the following to the first line of your program: import random.

Step 5:

Greet the user

After creating the lists, choose a random greeting from the greeting list:

Print (random. Choice(greetings))

This will print a random greeting from the greetings list.

Allow the user to enter something as well. We can use the input function to show the user a prompt and get their response. We must also save their response in a variable so that we can use it in our program.

User= input (“say something (or type bye to quit):”)

user = user. lower()

The user is the same as the user. lower() converts the user’s response to lowercase and saves the lowercase version in the user variable.

Step 6:

Continue interacting with the user until they say “bye”.

We can use a while loop to keep interacting with the user as long as did not say “bye”. As long as the user response is not “bye,” this while loop will repeat its block of code.

While (user ! = “bye”):

Step 7

Check to see if the user’s response contains a keyword that the AI ​​chatbot is already familiar with.

Within the while loop, we must determine whether the user’s response contains a keyword that the AI ​​chatbot already recognizes. To loop from the beginning to the end of the keywords list, we’ll use a for loop. We’ll print the corresponding response from the responses list if the keyword at the current position in the list is in the user’s response.

Step 8:

Create a new keyword and response for the AI ​​chatbot.

If the user’s response does not contain a keyword that the AI ​​chatbot is already familiar with, we must teach him how to respond. Begin by adding a keyword found variable to our while and for loops. We’ll set it to false at the start of the while loop to indicate that it hasn’t been found. The keyword found variable will be set to true in the if statement within the for a loop.

To check if the keyword found is false, we’ll add an if statement inside the while loop but outside the for loop. If the user’s response does not include a keyword that our AI chatbot already recognizes, we will ask the user which keywords we should learn and how we should respond. The new keywords and responses will then be attached to the keywords and response lists using the append() function.

Step 9:

Request another response from the user.

Let’s ask the user for another response at the end of the while loop.

Step 10:

When the user says “bye,” choose a random goodbye.

If the user says “bye,” the while loop will be terminated. Let’s choose a random goodbye to display to the user when they say “bye” outside of the while loop.


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