March 8, 2023 5:00am
Bruce Power is marking National Engineering Month with a donation to support local youth. The company announced $31,500 in funding for local organizations offering Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) programming.
Recipients include various school programs through the Gray Bruce Ontario Youth Apprentice Program, including First Lego League Robotics, Kinetic Knights First Robotics, Gray Bruce Regional Skills Competition, and Bluewater Regional Science and Technology Fair.
“As one of the world’s largest nuclear facilities, engineers play a vital role in Bruce Power’s continued safe operation, as we provide a third of the power to Ontario homes, businesses and hospitals,” said Gary Newman, Bruce Power’s Chief Engineer and Senior Vice President. “As we progress one of Canada’s largest clean energy infrastructure projects with our Major Component Replacements and Life-Extension Program, we’re helping to spark the next generation of engineers to ensure a stable and diverse workforce for decades to come.”
Each organization applied for support through Bruce Power’s Community Investment Program.
In addition to these donations, Bruce Power annually provides STEM-focused elementary and secondary school awards across Bruce, Gray and Huron counties and scholarships for Indigenous students.