Scientists have shown what a nuclear war between the US and Russia could look like

Scientists have shown what a nuclear war between the US and Russia could look like

Scientists at The Future of Life Institute have developed a plausible model of how a nuclear war between two superpowers – Russia and the United States – could have happened.

The whole world is well aware that a nuclear war between the Russian Federation and the United States is very dangerous and is more likely to be the end of the world for the whole world. But how terrible can it be?

Scientists at The Future of Life Institute tried to answer this question, who developed a realistic model of such a scenario from a scientific point of view. In their scientific work, they primarily relied on open data, writes Time.
Screenshot: of Life Institute
The model combines detailed simulations of nuclear, missile trajectories, targets explosions, as well as electromagnetic pulses and the formation of black carbon smoke that will spread across the Earth, changing the climate and causing mass starvation. Judging by it, at the start of a nuclear war, it is no longer so important which state started it first, because the effect will be equally catastrophic for everyone.

If the US attacks first, then Russia will respond about 10 minutes after the first US missiles are launched. Moreover, the very first strikes will disable all electronics, and subsequent ones – control points and nuclear launchers.
Screenshot: of Life Institute
Big cities will get it too. Since a certain part of the army and military equipment is deployed in them, they will automatically fall under attack.
Screenshot: of Life Institute
After a nuclear war, a nuclear winter will inevitably come. It will be caused by clouds of black smoke blocking the sunlight.
Screenshot: of Life Institute
“We don’t know how many people will survive a nuclear war. But if everything is even remotely as bad as this study predicts, there will be no winners, only losers, ”says one of the co-authors of the project, MIT professor Max Tegmark.

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